Your donations support our work to preserve and improve the buildings, fairgrounds and programs of our internationally acclaimed Minnesota State Fair.
The Minnesota State Fair Foundation’s lasting commitment to helping the State Fair continue to thrive as a leading cultural and educational organization requires financial strength and the stewardship to stay the course.
The generous resources provided by our donors and supporters enable us to preserve and improve the historic buildings, fairgrounds and programs of our beloved State Fair. We thank you and welcome the critical role you play as our partners in this mission.
Foundation Annual Reports
Each annual report is a snapshot of the impact we had over the course of the previous fiscal year, an impact made possible by the contributions of our donors and supporters.
Click on the links below to view previous years’ annual reports (PDF files):
2024 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
Foundation Financial Statements
In an effort to be transparent to our supporters and donors, please feel free to review our audited financial statements.
The Minnesota State Fair Foundation is a charitable organization exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and as such, we are required to include certain disclosure language on all printed solicitations. Financial and other information about the Minnesota State Fair Foundation’s purpose, programs and activities can be obtained by contacting Jennine Duda at 651-288-4323, or as stated in the Solicitation Disclosure Statement.