Give directly to the area of the Fair you love the most!
What do you look forward to most each year at the Minnesota State Fair? Do you hope to see a brand-new animal born at the CHS Miracle of Birth Center? Learn new cooking tips at the Cambria Kitchen in the Creative Activities Building? Have you explored the fairgrounds using the History Walking Tour as a guide or searching for your Alphabet Forest words or Math On-A-Stick numbers?
No matter which part of the State Fair keeps you coming back year after year, your support of the Foundation helps fund experiences such as these – and more. As a supporter of the Minnesota State Fair Foundation, you provide vital funds to bring unique fair experiences from vision to reality and to enhance and improve these programs for the future.
We are committed to helping the State Fair continue to thrive as a leading cultural and educational organization. Our five priorities are:

Enhancing agricultural programs and facilities
Expanding arts and culture venues and programs in public, performing and visual arts

Keeping educational programs at the forefront
Improving the fairgrounds environment to be universally accessible, green and welcoming for all

Preserving the historic buildings, programs and traditions
Put your gift to work where it is most needed

Your donation to any of these impact areas helps the State Fair preserve traditions and develop new initiatives!
Donations to impact areas and for Welcome Wall recognition tiles are not part of the Friends of the Fair program and are fully tax-deductible.